International Intellectual Property
Our clients work in highly technical industries, and many of them do business overseas. Since each country has a different approach to intellectual property law, understanding international law as it relates to copyrights, trademarks and patents is essential to maintaining business operations in foreign markets. Over the years, the law firm of Farjami & Farjami, LLP has acquired the expertise to help you operate under the guidelines of international law.
An International Network of Intellectual Property Resources
We protect our clients’ intellectual property in nearly every major market of the world, including Germany, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Russia, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Brazil and Canada.
The firm also has experience representing clients from other countries to negotiate licenses with foreign companies. In many countries, our firm has a network of several highly qualified associates who implement our clients’ goals while keeping us apprised of the most recent legal developments around the world.